Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to make your Dreams Come True

Such a vague question with so many possibilities. What do YOU want to do? Who do you want to be? Anything's possible if you try. Really. So it won't always turn out just like you image it to, but in the end its the journey that'll stick forever. Why climb a mountain just to reach the top when you can get dropped off by helicopter? The journey, the experience. So how can we make our dreams come true? I wonder...
Well being in the process to make my own dreams come true I've come up with some solutions and tips that can probably help. here are 10 tips that hopefully can help YOU in reaching for your stars!
Tip #1) Any and Every doubt you come across, ask yourself "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?" After reading that quote in the book "One Red Paperclip" I really began to think about it and process it into deeper meaning.

Tip#2) Love Yourself! Be your own best friend before being someone Else's. Wise words of wisdom from internet fame star Chris Crocker. Think about it, how can you be capable of being a true friend if you can't be true to yourself first. Love Yourself and you'll gain essential skills and confidence to strive for success.

Tip# 3) Get up every morning, no mater what, and smile in the mirror. It'll give you that sense of happiness, even if it takes a while.

Tip# 4) Don't strive for a dream for the wrong reasons, you may end up regretting it. A dream is, yes, a wish your heart makes. With that beautiful Disney quote being said, strive for your passion. The one or multiple thing(s) that make you want to get up in the morning and do it, whatever it may be. After all, money is necessary for survival, but it's not everything.

Tip# 5) Do your research thoroughly. You may end up getting ripped off big time. The people with a passion for something and the right amount of motivation will find ways to ease their way up to their dream. Researching skills, training, experience and so forth for what it takes to get to your dream will really help you succeed.

Tip# 6) Stop wallowing in self pity, everybody fails sometimes. Get back up and don't take no for an answer, it may not be specifically what you want but the world doesn't quite work like that. If you keep trying and trying and trying eventually it will pay off.

Tip# 7) Stop wanting the easy way out. I'm the worst offender of this tip. I want to be an actor, and I keep waiting for a "Big break" I mean sure I went to a lot of acting/theater camps and classed when I was younger, but if you want your dreams to come true, it takes work, a lot of work. Life never stops, it always keeps going, and so will the work. Now not to say it can't be fun and rewarding, everything has a balance....

Tip# 8) Find the right balance. Everyone who has had their dreams come true has sacrificed one thing or another. It's how life works. Whether it be sacrificing time, money, friends, the right balance is needed in order to determine how you will achieve your dreams! Balance is key!

Tip# 9) Stand your ground. Showing your weakness can be one of the most threatening mistakes you can make when competing for your gold metal, whether that be metaphorically or literally. The best of the best reach the top and in reality, it is a dog eat dog world. Showing weakness can mean that you don't have quite what it takes, that someone else can do everything you do and more! Stand your ground and let them know who you are straight up.

Tip# 10) Be realistic. now I'm not suggesting that your lifelong dream of being an astronaut is not going to come true, but be realistic and mold your dreams around what reality can provide for YOU. Anything is possible is a little vague, because not absolutely EVERYTHING is possible, how can it be? If you wanted to be the first person on the moon, well sorry pal but that spot's been filled. That's not to say that you'll not make it to the moon, it just means that you won't be the first to step onto the surface. That vague little statement however, remains as is. If you believe, I mean really really believe, you WILL achieve some sense of success.

I'm the number one procrastinator and probably don't follow any of those tips above, but I know they're what I need to gain success. It's what I'm going to try and do. So quit pushing it off until tomorrow or Thursday. No, the day is NOW! Stop doubting because you'll never get anywhere with that!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The genius behind One Red Paperclip

For those who don't know, Canadian author Kyle MacDonald set out to finish a journey that consisted of a childhood game called "Bigger and Better." The objective of the game was to go door to door and trade something for another that was bigger and better. The concept is really inspirational because it makes you believe that anything is possible. When you think about it, it really is. So I'm going to challenge myself and see how far I can go on the same journey. Hopefully being situated in Canada's most populated region will give me better opportunities to climb my way up in the game. After all, you have nothing to lose, and a world of possibilities to gain!