Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine-1-1. Call the pandemics!!!!

Ok, so maybe it doesn't sound too much like "9-1-1, call the paramedics", but i tried. So yes ladies and gentlemen, I was caught off guard and dragged down to become the next victim of the H1N1 virus, and let me just say, it's been NO easy trip! I'm on my almost 3rd day of having this horrendous virus, and with the exception of maybe 2-3 hours a day, I am overall weak to the extent of not even being able to move my arms, or head, or even eyelids. My fevers fluctuate up and down, just like the nurse said it would do. From 102.4 up to 102.7 and then back down to 99.8, (I may be Canadian but come on people Fahrenheit all the way!) all of this is taking its toll on me so negatively, that sometimes, I really do feel like giving up.

For those of you who don't live on planet Earth...... uhm.... I mean who "don't know", the H1N1 virus, is NOT the swine flu virus. For you see, they are different. H1N1 consists of 3 main elements: the avian flu, a human flu, and yes, the swine flu. However, the swine flu simply just is. H1N1 is a combination of these 3 glorious viruses, wrapped up in a gift basket from HELL!

I lay in bed. It's 9 in the morning. The sun reflects off the building across from mine, and into my bedroom. A blinding eye wouldn't seem so bad right about now. I try to turn my head, but there is limited response due to extreme fatigue. It's hard to answer questions, or even respond in conversation. My words are minimal and weak. With every inch of my body in brutal aching pain, my mother helps me to sit up, its time for Tylenol and a Vitamin C capsule. I can't hold the glass of juice, I can barely keep my mouth closed long enough to swallow the god forsaken pill. I fall back down, and lay. I'm overheated, and shivering at the same time. I definitely under minded the power of this virus. The thoughts are all I have right now. They start to give me a harsher headache, and everything I try, always seems to fail. Sleeping is difficult, I can only sleep for 2 hours, then I awake with the same staggering pain I left behind as soon as I fell asleep.

The Tylenol kicks in, and for about an hour or two a day, I have the ability to actually move, to actually have a normal feeling head, and to actually open my eyes and view the world with ease. In this time, I like to briefly check things on the computer, and go on back to bed to watch a movie or two. I like movies, it creates somewhat of a diversion from real life. That's why it's been the biggest industry of all time basically. During the great depression, Entertainment, was the only Industry that withstood the poverty and distress.

At this moment... I'm growing weaker. My fingertips seem to be slurring, my eyes grow heavy, my temperature heats up, and I am full of endlessly tired muscles.

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