Sunday, October 25, 2009

*Unfinished & Untitled*

Hello blog readers galore, I’m Rachel… Winston that is! Throughout the next few chapters here and there I’ll definitely try and transfer the emotions and scenic images of my day-to-day life into “blogging”. Of course, for the protection of identity, feelings, and any other potential controversy, all names and locations I write in my blogs will be fictional, however the characters behind the masquerade masks will all be based on real life people. Think of it as a fictional twist on real life events! Or something a bit more catchy.

Throughout my short years on Earth I’ve began to come up with “theories” about life and how to deal. I’m needing to find a better word- a word that is stronger than “opinion” and less philosophical than “theories”. All and all the list grows almost daily. I figure if I can come up with one “life perception” a day, then maybe I’m on the Fast-track Interstate to having a successful, logical future.

Life perception theory #1. Be prepared to expect the unexpected, as trust runs shallow in these youthful waters. Explanation behind this: Ok, so be honest now, how many times, has your “best friend” or someone really close to you, tell everyone, or even just one other person, something you believed that they would never tell? This is because the adrenalin of keeping something so “top-secret” leads into the drive of the thrill of the mere chance of being caught. Causes like this have lead to public sex, shoplifting, basically anything where the rush of doing something wrong, basically feeds into one’s positive energy, driving them to do it. How I see it, is, never say anything to anyone, that you would be offended or ashamed to hear come back around to you. Now if you don’t understand what I mean, I’ll give an example. Ok, you’re thinking of asking this super cute guy out, but, you don’t know how to make your move, or what’s going to happen. You tell your friend about it, but tell her NOT to tell A SOUL. She swears she won’t. 2 days later, there’s people coming up to you making fun of you because you want to ask that guy out. Make sense? How about one more? You’re mother’s an alcoholic, and only one friend of yours knows your mother and her little problem. You tell them to keep it secret, and you then find out everyone knows. Things like this can easily be avoided by keeping some things to yourself. Now I totally understand that something’s are just… gosh darn UNBEARABLE to keep all inside, but which would you rather, releasing that pressure from within or having personal things be disclosed by others? Life perception theory #1b) If they can hear your secrets, they can tell them just as easily. This basically sums up the last few sentences.

Life perception #2) Everything has a balance, and it’s just about finding the right amount of balance in everything that will make you truly successful in life. Everything in life has a balance, it can be measured in some way shape or form. Everything has a purpose, but some things disguise their beauty and meaning so that one will have to look deeper and find even more enlightenment once they’ve discovered that meaning. Example of this theory. I’m at a crossroads in my life right now, where I can choose either one of two pathways to go down. The first, entailing 6 years of University to get into a career with a minimum starting salary of $80,000/year guaranteed money. However, I’d have to live life day to day, for decades, dong this job that I don’t have a passion for. Why? Because Corporate America and the Government have brain fed us all this propaganda crap about going to University and going for the realistically suitable job rather than chase your dreams. The higher the money, the more “successful” you are. Since when is success measured in dollar bills. If you’re the most miserable person on the planet with the richest career, of which you despise, does that mean you’re successful? How about the stay at home mother, who all her life dreamed of just being a mother. She doesn’t have a fancy home, or the latest gadgets but she’s the happiest woman in the world. Is she successful? The media, in my opinion, is a catch 22. It’s used for good, it’s used for manipulation, its used to dictate so called “perfect” lives, and it’s used for useful resources. The media has stirred up such a frenzy with the general public that it’s caused people to believe that being rich and famous will cause absolute eternal happiness. For some, yes, the dreams of becoming a famous musician or actor have significant meaning and really are driven by lifelong legitimate passions. The perks and sacrifices of becoming a famous musician or actor can lead to the fame and wealthy lifestyle, but does it always have its happy endings? Realistically speaking, no. At least not for the most part. I’m not saying that celebrities have life hard, they just live life under itty bitty microscopes 24 hours a day, for as long as kingdom come.

The alternate path I have is choosing a career, that yes it much more competitive and the chances are a lot slimmer, but they would be trailed down a path of my dreams and passions. So yeah you’re not guaranteed $80,000/year starting salary (unless of course you make it in the big time movie companies), and yes, my dream of balance is me being a film/tv editor. *unfinished*

Life perception #3) The only way life will begin to serve you on a silver platter is if you put yourself out there and never give up.

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