Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to make your Dreams Come True

Such a vague question with so many possibilities. What do YOU want to do? Who do you want to be? Anything's possible if you try. Really. So it won't always turn out just like you image it to, but in the end its the journey that'll stick forever. Why climb a mountain just to reach the top when you can get dropped off by helicopter? The journey, the experience. So how can we make our dreams come true? I wonder...
Well being in the process to make my own dreams come true I've come up with some solutions and tips that can probably help. here are 10 tips that hopefully can help YOU in reaching for your stars!
Tip #1) Any and Every doubt you come across, ask yourself "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?" After reading that quote in the book "One Red Paperclip" I really began to think about it and process it into deeper meaning.

Tip#2) Love Yourself! Be your own best friend before being someone Else's. Wise words of wisdom from internet fame star Chris Crocker. Think about it, how can you be capable of being a true friend if you can't be true to yourself first. Love Yourself and you'll gain essential skills and confidence to strive for success.

Tip# 3) Get up every morning, no mater what, and smile in the mirror. It'll give you that sense of happiness, even if it takes a while.

Tip# 4) Don't strive for a dream for the wrong reasons, you may end up regretting it. A dream is, yes, a wish your heart makes. With that beautiful Disney quote being said, strive for your passion. The one or multiple thing(s) that make you want to get up in the morning and do it, whatever it may be. After all, money is necessary for survival, but it's not everything.

Tip# 5) Do your research thoroughly. You may end up getting ripped off big time. The people with a passion for something and the right amount of motivation will find ways to ease their way up to their dream. Researching skills, training, experience and so forth for what it takes to get to your dream will really help you succeed.

Tip# 6) Stop wallowing in self pity, everybody fails sometimes. Get back up and don't take no for an answer, it may not be specifically what you want but the world doesn't quite work like that. If you keep trying and trying and trying eventually it will pay off.

Tip# 7) Stop wanting the easy way out. I'm the worst offender of this tip. I want to be an actor, and I keep waiting for a "Big break" I mean sure I went to a lot of acting/theater camps and classed when I was younger, but if you want your dreams to come true, it takes work, a lot of work. Life never stops, it always keeps going, and so will the work. Now not to say it can't be fun and rewarding, everything has a balance....

Tip# 8) Find the right balance. Everyone who has had their dreams come true has sacrificed one thing or another. It's how life works. Whether it be sacrificing time, money, friends, the right balance is needed in order to determine how you will achieve your dreams! Balance is key!

Tip# 9) Stand your ground. Showing your weakness can be one of the most threatening mistakes you can make when competing for your gold metal, whether that be metaphorically or literally. The best of the best reach the top and in reality, it is a dog eat dog world. Showing weakness can mean that you don't have quite what it takes, that someone else can do everything you do and more! Stand your ground and let them know who you are straight up.

Tip# 10) Be realistic. now I'm not suggesting that your lifelong dream of being an astronaut is not going to come true, but be realistic and mold your dreams around what reality can provide for YOU. Anything is possible is a little vague, because not absolutely EVERYTHING is possible, how can it be? If you wanted to be the first person on the moon, well sorry pal but that spot's been filled. That's not to say that you'll not make it to the moon, it just means that you won't be the first to step onto the surface. That vague little statement however, remains as is. If you believe, I mean really really believe, you WILL achieve some sense of success.

I'm the number one procrastinator and probably don't follow any of those tips above, but I know they're what I need to gain success. It's what I'm going to try and do. So quit pushing it off until tomorrow or Thursday. No, the day is NOW! Stop doubting because you'll never get anywhere with that!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The genius behind One Red Paperclip

For those who don't know, Canadian author Kyle MacDonald set out to finish a journey that consisted of a childhood game called "Bigger and Better." The objective of the game was to go door to door and trade something for another that was bigger and better. The concept is really inspirational because it makes you believe that anything is possible. When you think about it, it really is. So I'm going to challenge myself and see how far I can go on the same journey. Hopefully being situated in Canada's most populated region will give me better opportunities to climb my way up in the game. After all, you have nothing to lose, and a world of possibilities to gain!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The IT List- Part 1

Ou my Fave kind of blog, dishing out all the goods and bads in my own opinion of course! Let's get right to it.

My IT List!
#1A) Rob Schneider & Adam Sandler
So my two favorite actors of all time, are Rob Schneider, and Mr. Adam Sandler. These two are more than just best pals, they're also comedic geniuses who, let's face it, always pull a win at the box office. Both Schneider and Sandler very often star in or appear in cameos of each other's movies. Some of the films Rob & Adam star in together include: Big Daddy (1999), Little Nicky (2000), The Animal (2001), Mr. Deeds (2002), The Hot Chick (2002), Eight Crazy Nights (2002), 50 First Dates (2004), The Longest Yard (2005), Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005), Click (2006), I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007), Bedtime Stories (2008), You Don't Mess With the Zohan (2008), Grown Ups (2010) and more. Although these two have a strong bond as best friends, the majority of Sandler's movies also star and feature several of Schneider's and Sandler's friends including Allen Covert, Peter Dante, Steve Buscemi, Jonathan Loughran and more. When your friends with Sandler, you're more than likely to star in more than one of his films. Dylan and Cole Sprouse, famous for their film debut shared-role as 'Julian' in Big Daddy, also appeared in Eight Crazy Nights as the two toy soldiers. The two are now even more famous from their hit Disney Channel shows The Suite Life of Zach and Cody, as well as the spin-off; The Suite Life on Deck. Point- Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider have so much theatrical range and comedic essence about them, it's hard not to fall in love with every film they make. Below I've posted scenes/trailers from my favorite Sandler & Schneider films.
Big Daddy Trailer (1999) | Big Daddy Scene (1999) | Litte Nicky Trailer (2000) | The Animal Trailer (2001) | Mr. Deeds Trailer (2002) | 50 First Dates Trailer (2004) | The Longest Yard (2005) | The Hot Chick Trailer (2002) Eight Crazy Nights Trailer (2002) | Click Trailer (2006) | I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry Trailer (2007) |

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'll Trade You...

The United States and Canada, share more than just the longest border in the world, they basically share each others money and resources. This immense trade agreement places increasing tension on both countries with the fear of a greater recession. In 2008, only 21% of all US Exports were designated to Canada and only 16.5 % were from Canadian imports. Even though these numbers seem small, you have to think that you're talking about every single nation on this Earth. 21% of exports and 16.5% of imports may seem like small numbers, but its the largest percentage than with any other nation. The US imports and exports more with Canada than any other nation. With this being said, is Canada more reliant on the United States? With their percentages being extravagantly higher? In 2008, 75.5% of ALL Canadian Exports were to the United States alone. 63.4% of the total Imports were from the United States. The gap between both nation's trade levels are clearly different, nonetheless its relevant to say that if one country or the other were to face severe bankruptcy or extreme recession, the other would be hit just as hard. Canada & The United States are family, they'll always be best friends! Now let's all think of a way to evict Harper immediately!
References: , , ,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Prophecies of 2012

The Winter Solstice of 2012. The exact date of December 21, 2012 is the most controversial date in all of history. It is the precise date of the prediction of the end of the world. Nothing has struck up such controversy on Earth before. Why this one particular date? What can scientists, philosophers and ordinary people decode and conclude it to mean? There are millions of theories regarding the future prediction, and based on historical evidence I've found from researching the evidence of others, here's what I've found. *Keep in mind none of the facts below are in my own opinion or of my own personal findings. However everything has been re-written free of any legitimate plagiarism.*

There are several historical, as well as modern prophecies that all conclude December 21st, 2012 as being the end of civilization, and overall the end of the World. This date has been drawn back as the end of time in the Mayan Calender, the Ancient Chinese 'I-Ching", as well as an internet program created to determine stocks called 'Web bot'. All of these prophesies share several accuracies in common.

The days we live in right now, were predicted long long ago. Predictions of war, famine, natural disasters, rises and falls of empires and economies- all elements of what has been predicted centuries before current time's arrival. Some of these predictions have come from The Bible, the Temples of Ancient Rome, Pyramids of Ancient Maya, the Chinese 'I-Ching', and the Internet.

The Ancient Myans created a calender so accurrate that it could predict lunar eclipses as well as solar, planetary and lunar cycles literally thousands of years into the future. What's strange about this calendar is that it all comes to an end on one very specific date: December 21, 2012. The Mayan Calender gives a very specific time line for Apocalypse than any other in the world by revealing the specific Year, Month and Day. The Mayans flourished in Central America during the time between 6-9AD. The Mayan Calendar is more accurate than the calendars used in today's time. The Mayans spent over 1000 years looking back into previous civilizations in order to piece together and predict when this transformation was going to occur. The Calendar is prophetic. In the 8th Century AD, it predicted that "white skinned bearded Gods" would arrive from travels across the ocean on March 5th, 1519. On that very specific date, Hernan Cortez and his conquistadors had made arrival in the New World from Spain. There is much debate on whether the calendar was prophetically correct, or it was mere coincidence. The true answer is more than important, for the Mayan Calendar also predicts the End of the World. "Hunab Ku" is the Mayan name for what is now modernly known as "Dooms Day", it is the day where the sun will shine in the dark rift located in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. Modern astronomers have learned that indeed there IS in fact a "dark rift" or more commonly known as a Black Hole in the Middle of the Milky Way Galaxy.

On December 21, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with our sun, and the centre of the Milky Way. This galactic event only occurs Once every 25,800 years. Geophysicists have come up with a theory that is shockingly similar to the events predicted by the Mayan alignment. This phenomenon is more commonly known as "pole shift". During this, the entire mantle of the Earth shifts within a course of only a few days, even hours. This is the alteration of the positioning of the North and South poles. Worldwide disasters such as Earthquakes hitting ever continent, massive hurricanes and tsunami's would completely overtake coastal regions, and would ultimately be the largest planetary catastrophe. Although this theory seems unrealistic, it is backed up by Science. Albert Einstein was the first to suggest this theory in 1955, and a new study from Princeton University suggests that the poles have shifted before; the North pole was located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 800 Million years ago, making Alaska located on the Equator. Even if the pole changes took several years to occur, it would result in raised sea levels and global climate change, if it were to happen rapidly, it would cause global disasters and mass extinction of species.

This identical "dooms day" date has also been predicted by Ancient Chinese through the oldest Chinese text called the "I CHING", translated into "The Book of Changes". The I Ching is used most commonly for personal fortune-telling. One asks a question from the text, then tossed three coins. If the outcome is mostly tails, you draw a straight line. If the outcome is mostly heads, you draw a broken line. This method is repeated six times so that there will be a series of six lines accounted for; this is also called a Hexagram. In this hexagram, there are 64 possible combinations. There are small texts appended to each of the 64 combinations which are said to tell the future. After looking up the meaning behind the hexagram of your question, you will find an answer astonishingly relevant to the question asked. However, Scientific rationalists claim that the evocative language of the I Ching only makes it 'appear' accurate.

Contoversial Researcher Terrance Mckenna, took realization in an unrecognized pattern of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. The 6 lines and 64 combinations can be used as a ratio of change and plotted on a graph. McKenna mapped this graph over a time line and found astonishingly accurate relations for all of the 4000 years of recorded history. His graph time line begins in the beginning of China's Shang Dynasty, the same period of the beginning of civilization in other regions of the world. the 64 hexagrams repeat 64 times over history. McKenna named this theory "Time Wave Zero". This elevations and falls of his I Ching graph appear to accurately match the predictions of the Fall of the Roman Empire, the Discovery of the New World, and the World Wars of the 20th Century. The oddest thing of all was that Mckenna's time line came to a complete end on one precise date: December 21, 2012.

The time scale of some of the more traditional South American prophesies is the same as the Medieval Welsh Prophecies of Merlin. Merlin was considered of of Europe's greatest Oracles. his prophesies included those of Terrorist Attacks, Global Warming and Planetary Catastrophes. The legends of Merlin begin in Ancient England, the prophecies were published in 1135 AD but were based on texts that were written in the 5th Century. The texts described Merlin as being a Celtic Shaman, half man, half demon. The name Merlin is an English version of an old Welsh name- Myrddin. Merlin was known as the "half crazed man of the forest." There has been speculation surrounding the legitimacy of 'Merlin's' being. The name Merlin is more of a title, rather than a name for an individual. Writers, historians and researchers believe that there has been 2 or 3 historical people given that title. The prophecies of Merlin predicted events that occured centuries of years into the future. 1000 years before the mere known existence of America, Merlin predicted the first American Colony by name. "A colony shall be founded by Virgins in Virgin soil." Merlin also predicted the British victory over Napoleon at Waterloo and had foresaw the tragedies of the Nazi holocausts. Merlin's prophecies for the 20th Century that are remarkably astonishing. he first predicts a disaster in England (Great Britain). "The seven seas discharge itself and the river burns for seven months. Fishes shall die and shall grow multiple tails."- Merlin. The Severn River of great Britain hosts home to the Nuclear power Stations of Great Britain, describing a potential nuclear meltdown. "London shall mourn from the death of 20,000 and the River Tems (Thames River) shall turn to blood."- Merlin "The seas shall rise, the winds shall fight together with a dreadful blast."- Merlin. Merlin;s ancient predictions of submersion are frighteningly similar to modern day scientists prediction of Global Warming. The Prophecies of Merlin end in it's own version of a fatal Apocalypse. According to Merlin's predicted apocalypse, "the planets will run out of their appointed paths, and the planets run riot through the signs." The only logical and possible way that this could occur, is if our planet's rotation changes. Merlin's prophecies also reflect the Mayan's prediction of Polar Shift.

"When pictures look alive with movements free, when ships like fishes swim beneath the sea, when men outstripping birds can fly the skies, then half the world deep drenched in blood shall die."- Mother Shipton, another known Oracle who lived in Yorkshire England in the early 1500's, centuries after the prophecies of Merlin were recorded. She was born with human and "other-world's" spirit. Within her biography written in the 1600's, Mother Shipton accurately predicted the death of Henry VIII as well as the defeat of the Spanish Armada. She also had predicted Queen Victoria by name, and had predicted the World Wars I and II. 1641 was the first year Mother Shipton's Prophecies made it to print, however when scholars tried to configure the tracking of the original texts, none were found, leaving no evidence of the actual existence of Mother Shipton. It has been suggested that Mother Shipton was created by London writer Richard Head in 1684, who's plummeting writing career was uptaken when he began publishing the prophecies. Richard head has said that"Mother Shipton" also predicted the Great Plague as well as the London Fire of 1666. he could get away with this because he was writing about these events years after they had occurred. The shocking fact about this uncertainty in events, was even if Richard Head had indeed created the fictional character of Mother Shipton, his later predictions came to be accurate. "In the air men shall be seen, around the world thoughts will sly in the twinkling of an eye, owmen dress like men in trousers wear, and cut off all their locks of hair. Mother Shipton."- Mother Shipton.

The Holy Bible is the most legendary source of prophecies. Jesus predicted that Jerusalem would be destroyed by the Romans and it happened. The book of Revelation predicted that Apocalyptic "war fare" in the near future. The Book of Revelation was written by a man named "John". John predicted bizarre and strange things. "Flying creatures with streaming hair making the noise of a thousand horses, self propelled chariots belching in flames, diseases that kill one quarter of the Earth." John also foresaw a time of global war-fare centred in the middle east and foresaw the rise and fall of a "demonic world leader, the anti-christ." The Book of Revelation was written basically as an introduction to the events about to occur during the Apocalypse. Biblical Scholars today place questions about the direct link regarding the Book of Revelation and the current events taking place today. Many people believe that the Book of Revelation was merely a set of codes, however these codes were actually meant to reflect John's time (over 2000 years ago). The Book of Revelation began the symbolic meaning behind the dreaded number of "666"- which according to the Book of Revelation is the "mark of the beast". Others have theoretically examined it to be a numerical code for the anti-christ, a modern day demonic world leader. Some historians have said that the number "666" may have a connection to the Ancient Greek leader Nero, who was a persecutor of Christian believers. The numerological deciphering of Emperor Nero's name adds up precisely to the number 666. The Prophecies within the Book of Revelation were reflections on the Roman Empire times but people today believe that it has a strikingly similar connection with the 2012 prophecy of our time.

In 1890, a Native American named Black Elk claimed to have a series of dreams referring to the soon-to-come Apocalypse. Black Elk predicted that after his own people had been destroyed, there was going to be an even bigger apocalypse affecting the entire world. "All over the Universe, I could hear the winds roar like wild beasts fighting. It was dark and terrible about me, like rapid gun fire, and a world of smoke, like women and children whaling and screaming all over the world."- Black Elk.

The newest form of prophesies comes from an oracle not even human. "The Web Bot Project" is the name of this foretelling program created in the late 1990's as a program to predict stock changes. The idea behind the Web Bot Project was that the program would scan massive amounts of languages would be gathered and hit a direct link to the collective unconscious and a hopeful insight into the future. The Web Bot's predictions are impressively accurate. In August of 2004, the Web Bot made a prediction of mass earthquakes resulting in approximately 300,000 deaths and substantial water lever increases relative to the earthquakes. This prediction deemed to have direct relation to the Asian Tsunami in December 2004. This Web Bot also predicted the Anthrax attacks in Washington DC in 2001, the massive power-outage of East Coast North America in August 2003, and the destruction of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. According the Web bots, a series of world wide catastrophes reaches its peak in the year 2012.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ironic Publicity

There's no such thing as bad publicity! That... may be true, but still, is pretty much one of the ONLY sites that cheers me up anytime of day! I've literally spent about an hour or 2 one day, looking at every picture on the site! The captions below kill me! I absolutely love this site, and while others pay debate that it's a disgrace to the people who... well, are featured on the site. With all the hype this site's gotten already- I highly recommend it!

Star Corner: Oliver James♥

Yes Ladies, I went there. Although Oliver James is not under the immense heat of the head spotlight, yet he still stole the hearts of millions of teen girls with the 2003 release of "What A Girl Wants" and the 2004 release of "Raise Your Voice". This sweet-natured British cutie stays humble, and lives back and forth between his home country of England and Los Angeles. Besides the two films listed above, Oliver has also starred in School's Out, The Afternoon Play, The Innocence Project, Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling and Visionary.

Not only does he act, he's an amazingly talented singer with songs featured in What A Girl Wants and Raise Your Voice. *Songs will be posted below*

-- Greatest Story Ever Told (Only video I could find):

--Get Up Offa That Thing [James Brown Cover]:

-- Long Time Coming:

TRAILORS of Oliver's Films

Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling:

What A Girl Wants:

Raise Your Voice:

Glambert's Back!!

2009 American Idol Runner Up Adam Lambert heats things up with his new hit single "For Your Entertainment" The song features a catchy hip-shaking beat with his smooth melodic voice that captured the hearts of millions of Americans. Check out hit latest hit "For Your Entertainment" on iTunes.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New & Upcoming!

New & Upcoming blogs are in the works as we speak! New music tracks, compliments of FL Studios Program are soon coming, as well as digitally remastered photography! Music Production to hit blogspot Early December 2009.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine-1-1. Call the pandemics!!!!

Ok, so maybe it doesn't sound too much like "9-1-1, call the paramedics", but i tried. So yes ladies and gentlemen, I was caught off guard and dragged down to become the next victim of the H1N1 virus, and let me just say, it's been NO easy trip! I'm on my almost 3rd day of having this horrendous virus, and with the exception of maybe 2-3 hours a day, I am overall weak to the extent of not even being able to move my arms, or head, or even eyelids. My fevers fluctuate up and down, just like the nurse said it would do. From 102.4 up to 102.7 and then back down to 99.8, (I may be Canadian but come on people Fahrenheit all the way!) all of this is taking its toll on me so negatively, that sometimes, I really do feel like giving up.

For those of you who don't live on planet Earth...... uhm.... I mean who "don't know", the H1N1 virus, is NOT the swine flu virus. For you see, they are different. H1N1 consists of 3 main elements: the avian flu, a human flu, and yes, the swine flu. However, the swine flu simply just is. H1N1 is a combination of these 3 glorious viruses, wrapped up in a gift basket from HELL!

I lay in bed. It's 9 in the morning. The sun reflects off the building across from mine, and into my bedroom. A blinding eye wouldn't seem so bad right about now. I try to turn my head, but there is limited response due to extreme fatigue. It's hard to answer questions, or even respond in conversation. My words are minimal and weak. With every inch of my body in brutal aching pain, my mother helps me to sit up, its time for Tylenol and a Vitamin C capsule. I can't hold the glass of juice, I can barely keep my mouth closed long enough to swallow the god forsaken pill. I fall back down, and lay. I'm overheated, and shivering at the same time. I definitely under minded the power of this virus. The thoughts are all I have right now. They start to give me a harsher headache, and everything I try, always seems to fail. Sleeping is difficult, I can only sleep for 2 hours, then I awake with the same staggering pain I left behind as soon as I fell asleep.

The Tylenol kicks in, and for about an hour or two a day, I have the ability to actually move, to actually have a normal feeling head, and to actually open my eyes and view the world with ease. In this time, I like to briefly check things on the computer, and go on back to bed to watch a movie or two. I like movies, it creates somewhat of a diversion from real life. That's why it's been the biggest industry of all time basically. During the great depression, Entertainment, was the only Industry that withstood the poverty and distress.

At this moment... I'm growing weaker. My fingertips seem to be slurring, my eyes grow heavy, my temperature heats up, and I am full of endlessly tired muscles.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Virtual Make-Up Experiments

How to Achieve this look: A) Make Up. Personally I like to start with the eye make-up before completing the entire face. How to do this look: Lid Color- Dior 2 Color Eyeshadow: Bronzy Look. Apply the Lightest color in the pack on the inner half of the lid, and the darker color on the outer lid. Crease: POP Beauty Eye Cake: Mocha Eyes. Using a crease brush, lightly apply this product to make your eyes pop a little more. Highlight: Highlight colors vary depending on skin tone. For tan skin tones use Mac's Brule Eye Shadow- it's a soft creamy-beige color and is a Satin Shadow. For those with lighter skin tones, use Mac's Shroom, very similar to Brule, and is a soft beige with shimmer which is also a Satin shadow. Liner: Revlon Color-Stay Liquid Liner- Apply on the upper lid line and the lower water line. Adding small wings will make your eyes widen slightly but this neutral look goes better without the wings. Now, Mascara! Loreal Volume Shocking Mascara in shade Black 405. * A tip for the fake eyelash look without the fake eyelashes: First, apply a non-waterproof mascara to your lashes, make sure the brush you use is a thin mascara brush. Next, apply a waterproof mascara with a fatter brush. One that perfectly suits this example is CoverGirl's Lashblast mascara- the waterproof one (orange). So next move onto the foundation. Now foundation not only evens skin color tones but it also helps to eliminate unwanted complexion damages such as acne, cuts, etc. it's best to go to a make up professional to see which foundation tone is right for you, and a quality foundation can range anywhere from $12-$100. In this experiment, the foundation used is Clinique Superbalanced Makeup in tone color- Fair. Next, use and blend in the colcealer to get rid of bags under the eyes. This experiment uses Josie Maran Concealer in Butter Color. Next comes the blush. In this experiment I used Nars Multiple Duo blush in Maui/Palm Beach tone. For this blush style, first focus on the apples of your cheeks and brush in a circular motion moving up in a C shape towards your temples. Lastly, the lips. I used Laura Mercier Lip Color Shimmer in Brown Plum. It's important to accommodate color based on your skin tone and lip color. Apply the color to your lip and add some clear gloss if wanted to make your lips more luscious!

Hair: Having hair color similar to your root color makes it easier to maintain and easier to play with. This hair color is a warm chestnut brown color with dark red tones to create a warmer look.

Currently there's about 6 looks done so I'll be posting some more. Hope you enjoyed!! See'ya! <3 Rachel!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Part 2!!

Life perception #4) People come and go, get used to it. I have a best friend, well, had is more like it. Her name was Kelly. Literally since the day we met, we were inseparable. Picture Siamese twins connected at the hips! Yeah, that close. We meant business. Everything we did, we did together, everywhere we went, we went together, and all of the secrets and “bff” moments, were together. Kelly was the best friend I always dreamed of. She was the best friend who appreciated you back, the exact same way you appreciated them. I grew up in Sacramento, and growing up I had a group of close friends. The group consisted of about 10 really close friends, and because the group was so big, no one really had that one BEST friend, you know the one’s you’d hear about in happy stories, or in Disney movies. We were a tight-knit family who were always around each other for the first 10 years of our lives. I always wished that one day I would have a TRUE best friend, the fairytale one. Where you would be their #1, and they’d be yours. Kelly was that #1 in my life, and up until the middle of high school, everything was, well, peachy, as some would say.

I heard a saying about how throughout high school, the friends you have will not be the same people they once were. I have to say that I can’t agree more. Kelly had her friends at Clarke James High, and I had mine at Pine Woods High. We grew apart and when our once cherished encounters happened daily, daily turned into bi-weekly, which turned into monthly, which turned into semi-annually. It’s safe to say that the friendship had come and go faster than Hurricane Katrina, of course with a smaller volume of water and slightly slower winds. She came on a trip to Houston with me and my family. The trip was booked, literally, 1 day before we left. It was the best trip and I’ll surely never forget it.

So people really do come and go, and its finding the one’s that stay are the real treasures.

Life Perception #5) “Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket” because it will more than likely bring you back to square one. Picture this, you have three bottles, each can hold one gallon. You have 1.5 gallons of water, are you going to put all of that in one bottle? Ok so my example isn’t very catchy or clever but if you think of it, the people who are most successful in life have set aside a variety of options and don’t just focus themselves on one option. Of course this doesn’t apply to all aspects in life, there are a few things that need full concentration and appreciation. Like for example, a marriage. That needs to be exclusive and having a variety of options will smash that bond faster than your wife is smashing those dishes.

Everyone has options, dreams, goals and wishes. The world today has lead us into believing that we can reach our dreams and on the other hand they’ve also consistently told us to go for reality, and that dreams are just “too impossible” to reach. Well I know I’m not going to give up. Yeah I know that there are risks and that the chances of actually achieving your dream (depending on how realistic and competitive it is) are very slim, but why not go for it? You have nothing to lose! So go through those options and feel like an adult, that’s right. I said that bitter, all feared word.

There’s this job I want right now, it’s a pre-University dream of mine, and I’ve tried as hard as I could to make my application seem catchy and appealing. Now, even though this job is my main goal in sight, I still have to a) complete high school, b) get a job NOW, c) apply to University/College, and so on and so forth. For my future, yeah I’m going to be going for my dream job and my dream life, but I’ll also have back-ups so if I fall, I won’t hit the ground hard enough to pass out, metaphorically speaking of course.

Life Perception #6) Life’s a Bitch, get over it! Ok so maybe I’m a bit harsh there, but life can be horrible but it can also be beautiful. This relates very much to the balance theory I had. Maybe for some, its unbalanced to an obvious extent, but if you just give up, then why should you be complaining? There’s been great people in the world who have been in the shit pool but have been able to climb out, and make a life for themselves. No one will do your life for you, its all you. “Oh my god my life sucks!” a girl said as she walked out of her 2010 BMW with her $500 purchases, and into her $550,000 house. Yes, I agree. Your life sucks! I’m so sorry you broke your nail and your ipod died! Yes, that right there SPELLS s-u-c-k. Now, comparing someone to the real people in need might be belittling to the comparison (i.e. Starving African children) but what defines a “sucky” life? Are there any criteria for this? Well its probably opinionated and in my opinion, I believe a life that truly does suck, is one where the person is either always unhappy and has no way of getting out, where someone’s living beneath the standards of living and are unhappy about it, if someone’s thrown into circumstances which they had no control over- i.e. War, famine, prisoners of conscience, etc. I don’t think having a bad day necessarily results in a horrible life. I mean sure, money isn’t everything, but its what keeps us healthy and living with shelter, food, cleanliness, and usually mental stability (which can be debated.) So yeah, life sometimes can be a burden, but overall, life, it’s beautiful. Finding that beauty will make you more appreciative. Try it sometime.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

*Unfinished & Untitled*

Hello blog readers galore, I’m Rachel… Winston that is! Throughout the next few chapters here and there I’ll definitely try and transfer the emotions and scenic images of my day-to-day life into “blogging”. Of course, for the protection of identity, feelings, and any other potential controversy, all names and locations I write in my blogs will be fictional, however the characters behind the masquerade masks will all be based on real life people. Think of it as a fictional twist on real life events! Or something a bit more catchy.

Throughout my short years on Earth I’ve began to come up with “theories” about life and how to deal. I’m needing to find a better word- a word that is stronger than “opinion” and less philosophical than “theories”. All and all the list grows almost daily. I figure if I can come up with one “life perception” a day, then maybe I’m on the Fast-track Interstate to having a successful, logical future.

Life perception theory #1. Be prepared to expect the unexpected, as trust runs shallow in these youthful waters. Explanation behind this: Ok, so be honest now, how many times, has your “best friend” or someone really close to you, tell everyone, or even just one other person, something you believed that they would never tell? This is because the adrenalin of keeping something so “top-secret” leads into the drive of the thrill of the mere chance of being caught. Causes like this have lead to public sex, shoplifting, basically anything where the rush of doing something wrong, basically feeds into one’s positive energy, driving them to do it. How I see it, is, never say anything to anyone, that you would be offended or ashamed to hear come back around to you. Now if you don’t understand what I mean, I’ll give an example. Ok, you’re thinking of asking this super cute guy out, but, you don’t know how to make your move, or what’s going to happen. You tell your friend about it, but tell her NOT to tell A SOUL. She swears she won’t. 2 days later, there’s people coming up to you making fun of you because you want to ask that guy out. Make sense? How about one more? You’re mother’s an alcoholic, and only one friend of yours knows your mother and her little problem. You tell them to keep it secret, and you then find out everyone knows. Things like this can easily be avoided by keeping some things to yourself. Now I totally understand that something’s are just… gosh darn UNBEARABLE to keep all inside, but which would you rather, releasing that pressure from within or having personal things be disclosed by others? Life perception theory #1b) If they can hear your secrets, they can tell them just as easily. This basically sums up the last few sentences.

Life perception #2) Everything has a balance, and it’s just about finding the right amount of balance in everything that will make you truly successful in life. Everything in life has a balance, it can be measured in some way shape or form. Everything has a purpose, but some things disguise their beauty and meaning so that one will have to look deeper and find even more enlightenment once they’ve discovered that meaning. Example of this theory. I’m at a crossroads in my life right now, where I can choose either one of two pathways to go down. The first, entailing 6 years of University to get into a career with a minimum starting salary of $80,000/year guaranteed money. However, I’d have to live life day to day, for decades, dong this job that I don’t have a passion for. Why? Because Corporate America and the Government have brain fed us all this propaganda crap about going to University and going for the realistically suitable job rather than chase your dreams. The higher the money, the more “successful” you are. Since when is success measured in dollar bills. If you’re the most miserable person on the planet with the richest career, of which you despise, does that mean you’re successful? How about the stay at home mother, who all her life dreamed of just being a mother. She doesn’t have a fancy home, or the latest gadgets but she’s the happiest woman in the world. Is she successful? The media, in my opinion, is a catch 22. It’s used for good, it’s used for manipulation, its used to dictate so called “perfect” lives, and it’s used for useful resources. The media has stirred up such a frenzy with the general public that it’s caused people to believe that being rich and famous will cause absolute eternal happiness. For some, yes, the dreams of becoming a famous musician or actor have significant meaning and really are driven by lifelong legitimate passions. The perks and sacrifices of becoming a famous musician or actor can lead to the fame and wealthy lifestyle, but does it always have its happy endings? Realistically speaking, no. At least not for the most part. I’m not saying that celebrities have life hard, they just live life under itty bitty microscopes 24 hours a day, for as long as kingdom come.

The alternate path I have is choosing a career, that yes it much more competitive and the chances are a lot slimmer, but they would be trailed down a path of my dreams and passions. So yeah you’re not guaranteed $80,000/year starting salary (unless of course you make it in the big time movie companies), and yes, my dream of balance is me being a film/tv editor. *unfinished*

Life perception #3) The only way life will begin to serve you on a silver platter is if you put yourself out there and never give up.